Child friendly hikes near Nairobi: The Ngong Hills Kenya

"Failure will can never overtake you if  your determination to succeed is strong enough. Strive to be better than you ever thought you could be." Hello everyone!! First of all I know it has been quite a long hiatus! Been a crazy start to the year to be honest. A lot has been on my plate. … Continue reading Child friendly hikes near Nairobi: The Ngong Hills Kenya

Toddler tantrums: Practical ways of surviving the emotional outbursts

Remember when I said I don't know how I will pinch our little patootie's cheeks because she was so so so so sweeeeet?? I lied. I wasn't yet a mother of a 16 month old. Well the toddler moments are fully with me. With all their terribleness. I haven't pinched her (yet) but lately I have been having this irresistible urge to literally slap the eyelashes off her face. Okay. I exaggerate. A little. I don't believe its humane to discipline a child (or anyone else in that matter) by smacking them anywhere on the face. However, I have to admit on several occasions I've found myself smacking her diapered tushy out of sheer frustration and exasperation.

What hiking with a baby really looks like: Chasing giraffes at Crescent Island

Serendipity is how I can say we per-chanced upon one of the most beautiful and scenic spots in Naivasha: The “Crescent Island Game Sanctuary”. We were meant to be heading to the Menengai crater in Nakuru, when ubiquitous traffic police with their speed guns forced us to make a detour into Naivasha. This turned out to be a … Continue reading What hiking with a baby really looks like: Chasing giraffes at Crescent Island

How to Write a Winning Cover Letter: The Dos and Don’ts

There are millions of conflicting advice on what to do and not do with cover letters out here. It is difficult to know where to start. This is worsened by the digital communication age - many might question whether you even need a cover letter anymore. I can say you definitely advice that the "one-for-all and all-for-one" approach is lazy and self defeating.

Questions you should ask before going on “Vacation” with a toddler.

I carried a book. Malcom Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. I remember packing it abashedly as a last minute thought amongst many other things that I didn't even get to use because I (very mistakenly in hindsight) foresaw myself finally getting to finish that book; lounging lazily on a beach chair sipping some cocktails … Continue reading Questions you should ask before going on “Vacation” with a toddler.