Child friendly hikes near Nairobi: The Ngong Hills Kenya

“Failure will can never overtake you if  your determination to succeed is strong enough.

Strive to be better than you ever thought you could be.”

Hello everyone!! First of all I know it has been quite a long hiatus!

Been a crazy start to the year to be honest. A lot has been on my plate. When I say a lot. I mean a lot. The year begun on such a high note for me. So much happening on the personal front, not to mention my rambunctious toddler and added responsibilities at work. Things just kept piling up and I ended up putting this on a back burner for a while and taking a much needed (and well deserved) break to help me to recharge my batteries and reassess where I am with things. But here I am again! Excited to be back. We’ve been up and about from the Ngong Hills, to Naivasha, to Samburu and I am looking forward to letting you in on everything one post at a time. 🙂

I know I should probably make a big comeback, fireworks, confetti and the works.. But honestly I would never ever get to post if I had to think about all that 😛

I thought to start by sharing a little bit about a trip I took to the Ngong Hills, this being the first outdoor activity I went on with my daughter after she was born. I had also promised to tell you more about  it in my post: Outdoors with your toddler: Hiking Mount Longonot

The first time I decided to do this, my mini me was just a few months old. Five to be exact. I carried her using a wrap as she was only a couple of months old. I hadn’t even lost the pregnancy weight yet.. 😀

I love hiking the Ngong Hills being that it is about half an hour (sans traffic) from the Nairobi CBD and therefore you can easily and quickly get there even if you decide to go on a whim. There are seven hills in total and its a personal choice as to how many one can climb. There is also a vehicle friendly road that could get those who prefer not to hike up to the radio masts on the fourth hill in the comfort of your car. From here there’s already a beautiful and view and several picnic sites. The Ngong Hills are, in many ways, a beginner (and family)-friendly hiking trip. Trails are well marked and easy to follow. The altitude (2460m above sea level) is not so high that it could affect many people.

My advise for any one going past the fourth hill would be to take a guide at the gate to protect them from the animals (buffaloes) and muggers at the forest. Its known to be quite insecure.

I decided to take my second trip with my daughter again about a year later. This time I took her with me hoisted on a hiking friendly hiking child carrier as she had become quite heavy for wraps. She appreciated the second trip much much more as she was now mobile and could run around after sheep and enjoy the breeze.


Useful momsense pointers:

  • The park is open between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm
  • The charges are Kshs. 200 per person.  Please note that they no longer take cash payments. The last time I was there (January 2017) they could only receive payments through Mpesa Mobile money and Credit Card.
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Walking duration: 4-5 hours (easy walk with short and few stops) from starting point at the Ngong Hills entrance to Kona Baridi (in Kiserian)
  • As always carry enough hydration and snacks for both yourself and the little one and someone who can help you in case you get tired.
  • It gets really chilly at the top so it is wise to wear layers and carry a wind breaker or warm jacket. Don’t forget a hat and comfortable walking shoes

A lot of fun and warm moments were shared. She didn’t even want to leave.. So happy to nurture her outdoor spirit so young. Please feel free to share with me your hiking stories with your little ones!

This Is Not a Perfect Blog Post. Nonetheless I am so happy to be back! Stay committed parents of toddlers. In it together 🙂

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